It’s time for a real conversation about Big Tech.

It was once fashionable to regard technology through a starry-eyed utopian lens. The internet was a space beyond the reach of politics. The power of bits and bytes and microchips would topple authoritarian regimes, spread democracy, and connect distant peoples. Today, conventional wisdom holds that technologists have brought the world addictive devices; omnipresent surveillance; and disinformation machines that are exacerbating polarization, destroying democracies, and rotting our souls from within.

We reject this. Our technological future sits between the poles of techno-utopianism and dystopianism. Technology can and must be harnessed to support rather than subvert the interests of people and society. It can’t be done by technologists, or social scientists, or philosophers alone. It will require putting ethics front and center. It will require the efforts of people working inside and outside of tech. And it will require the voices of all us to create a technological future worth having.

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